Sunday, September 11, 2011

Jalan Jalan Cari Makan

It's been awhile since i last post a blog, and i am sure my gf who is reading this now will be surprise. She did ask me why i did not post anything since the last one. Well, i guess this is it now. Time to post something and let you read this my huney. The Blog goes like this :

Dear Huney Lee Kar Leng,

On the 10th of September 2011, which is a day earlier than the 9/11, we started off our journey from my house @ 6.30am. Although it was quite early for the both of us, but we managed to get up and depart as per schedule. You brought along the bread which u bought in Queensball Mall on Friday and a few boxes of the Dutch Lady milk, of which are you favorite. We started driving as usual and make our way out from the Tambun Toll. Huney, actually i want to tell you that, if i was the first to drive that day, i might have went to another toll which will lead us to Autocity instead, Thank God i wasn't the first to there, we had laughters and we have frustration on the way.We were also undecided where to eat and where to stop and we made quite some stops @ the R&R.

Weather was fine on that very sunny day and there was little traffic and not many cars was noted. We had a quite safe journey and smooth until we started to lost our way in KL. But i saw my huney started to read at the map on that iphone GPS, started to click on her Nokia 5700 GPS as well. Nevertheless we still able to make our way out from KL to Seremban which then leads to Malacca.

 When we are on our way to Malacca, we were not sure to use the Ayer Keroh or Alor Gajah exit. I am grateful we made the Ayer Keroh exit because we do not have to lost our way and highway is a better access although it may seem far sometimes. Huney, hubby knows i may have some frustration but i did try to control and not angered it at you...when my muka doesn't look good, it's just telling you that i am trying to cool things down know huney don't like it but definitely hubby knows you did try to read and show hubby the way...I once heard there's a saying which goes like this." Both parties are just trying hard that they did not know they hurted each other" I am supposed we are both just trying our best aren't we?

Then finally we reach our destination at Malacca. Our first visit was to the Baba Nyonya Food Shop. We ordered 3 dishes which were Rendang Chicken, Chap Chai and Cinchalok Omelette. We both shared the rice and food tasted good and different from what we are eating at Penang. The taste and gravy is totally something which was not common back here but acceptable.Once we finished, we have plan to go to our next destination, which is the Jonker Street to have my ever anticipated "Chendol Malacca". However, when we reached our car park, we saw a guy dressing in blue uniform with his bike, then we was like OMG and we knew there is a summon. Thank GOD it is just a RM30 one. I insisted that we pay for the summon and thus make our way to the counter. God was very helpful that we were paying RM5 instead of the RM30. I knew my huney was kind of relief because she doesn't want me to spend on the unnecessarily stuff. Muax.

Then we made our way again based on the GPS on iphone and managed to find our way and get our carparks. The sun was shining so brightly in the sky that we could actually sweat alot but the shops and houses along the way just managed to get us covered.  Before we proceed to Jonker street, we stop by at a Church to take a picture. Unfortunately, we do not know what's the place called and thus just made our way to Jonker. Finally we reach Jonker 88,the very famous Chendol and Ahma Baba Laksa were sold. We managed to get the tables and quickly queue up to buy. I finally got my taste on the Chendol. The first scoop of ice into the mouth was evitably the best of chendol i could have ever taste.

After the chendol food, we have a walk along Jonker Street. We walk for almost an hour and half before making our way to Nadeja to bu the layer cake. Although lost in way yet again but we managed to find. Huney said buy two pieces will do and we got ourselves the original ones. After buying, we proceed to Pak Putra's Tandori, another hubby's favorite. The place was not very far as expected and again grateful that the iphone 4 map leading the way. When we reach Pak Putra's, it has changed kind of alot as my previous experience was that it has many people and that only one shop is operating but now they already have two.
We ordered ourselves tandori chicken each and naan as well. One cheese one potato. The porportion was quite huge that we can't finish it and have to take it back.

While on the way home, Malacca starts to rain. This time is not just raining like cats and dogs, it is POURING. There were so many traffic lights there. Yes i repeat, there were alot of traffic lights. So we waited and waited. Huney was frustrated plus my iphone batteries no longer eligible and shut off automatically. However, we made our way based on huney's GPS and the signboard. When we saw seremban highway, we started to breathe a sigh of relief because finally we found us our way home. Muacks..

Even though both of us were very tired but we knew we had many good times and enjoyed the food together.muaxks. Huney most important is that i did it with you. Yes it is you. We both know that we have and will create many more memories between you and me together aren't we Ms Lee Kar Leng? Thanks for everything, thanks for willing to plan for the trip and thanks for jotting down all those addresses and thank you for making all the efforts from have to go back to KL to planning the trip to Malacca. It was a nice trip. Fun and adventurous. Lee Kar Leng, Thanks for everything and I love you very much. Malacca 10/09/2011. Signing Off.


Hubby Tan Wei Lu
with love.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sorry, Sorry and Sorry

If you look at the title, you might think that it is the song titled Sorry Sorry from the very famous and well known boy band group from Korea, called SUPER JUNIORS. If you are aware of this, the title goes to the feelings that i am trying to describe now.

Today, on the 28th of November 2010, it has been officially 6 months and 18 days together with her, or should i say my beloved Miss Lee. I am appreciative and grateful that god sent her to me, although at times there were quite some "do not feel good feeling" i had..but i am grateful that with her, she seems to understand me, she seems to know what i want, perhaps i am the more expressive type which she can knew it kind of easily. I thank her for being honest with me, being so "trying to do her best" for me, and etc. I know Miss Lee cares for me a lot although many times she didn't speak it out but her actions are everything.

Miss Lee is a VIP which i adores alot because she's my another half and she has the vision to follow me for the rest of our life. Although at this moment we are still couple, i am still looking forward to the day she becomes my official partner. She does put her self in my shoes and sometimes i am feeling guilty for being such a selfish person and not thinking for her. At times i try to put down all the worries but it just made me feel as if i don't care which is not something that i wanted. I have tried to let go sometimes and not to be a control freak as it is kind of tiring. Alot of thoughts comes to me and i am always trying to be as positive as possible like what i have learned from the Law Of Attraction..

I definitely must agree that i have changed quite alot especially my anger management. I guessed reading does have effect on ourselves and it does really changed the way of our thinking. I may not be perfectly absorbed what the book have told us but still, it changes me quite alot. I thank the author and everyone that makes the book available to the public and thank god that it has made an impact on me, not just individually but also for my job and my love relationship as well.

I want the best thing for my another half and i am sure Miss Lee knows and i will always be strong and calm and hereby i would like to let Miss Lee knows that, she's all that i wanted and i know that we want the best for each other. Miss Lee Kar Leng, thank you for loving me, and i will treasure you and hope you will treasure me as much too...THANK YOU and Sorry Sorry Sorry....770,880,520....

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


亲爱的佳凌,你知道吗,上个星期我到半饥去Training 的时候我真的好开心好开心因为我靠近了你, 不只是我们的心是靠近而且连我们的距离都接近了很多。 那时候, 就是和每天一样都想着你而且真的期待和你一起去云顶旅行庆祝你的生日。。。在那一个星期里,我们见面了。。我真的好开心因为你驾车 来到我的宿舍那儿接我。。而且带我去走走吃吃东西。。。我真的觉得我俩好像一对很恩爱的夫妻哦。。。我们一起手牵着手,虽然就只是这样到处逛逛,走走。。对我而言简单又有意义。。。哈泥,你在我心目中的位置真的很重要。。

不知不觉就到了星期五,开心的感觉又来了因为自己知道星期六就要和哈泥去两人世界了。星期五要是没记错的话,我们去了Jusco 附近那儿吃,吃了又去走走然后还陪你一起去买你的女人用品。我们还一起到你的校园看看晚上的Faculty。虽然没有看得很清楚因为太暗了,可是依然很开心,因为有你在身旁。

23/10/2010 又到了,我很早就醒了因为要驾车去载亲爱的你。。。准备好一切后我就出发了。。。到了你的学校,我Call你然后我们就一起出发了。。。原来从你的宿舍要去其实还不太难。。。也谢谢你的朋友画给你的地图还有你的手机GPS。。科技真是太进步了。。不知不觉我们就到了Gohtong Jaya。。。因为一路上没有停到的关系所以我们就打算停一下然后去吃点东西。。还记得那碗云吞面。。还真不错。。。吃饱后我们就前往云顶去了。。。我们去找Parking Lot,去放我们的东西。。。然后我们就去Theme Park 了因为还早所以不能check in。。。我们还去买了晚上的戏票..

我们在Theme Park 玩了不少的rides.真的很开心...真的好希望时间可以就这么的停下来,或是走慢点..可是我们都知道欢乐的时光过得真快...一下子就下午了,我们就到所通知的kiosk那儿去auto check in..再一次我们又看见了科技的利害..哈哈哈哈...我们在那儿逛逛..还记得原本是要买戒指给你的,后来却买了一双鞋子给你.... 而且好笑的是我还要求你给我RM1..这是人家说的..所以就意思意思咯...哈哈哈哈哈.....到了傍晚,我们吃Flames去了...其实我们还真的对吃很有犹豫...可是最总还是做了选择...然后我们还到Coffee Bean 去买了Hot Vanilla 还有一片cheese cake吃了,就一个简单的生日仪式...过后还赶着去看我们的戏...虽然玩了一整天可是真的很开心哦...
隔天早上我们醒起来的时候还是真的很累的可是我们还是起床去吃我们的free breakfast ....到了那间cafe ...东西好像快被人抢光了的...可是幸亏还是有留点给我们...哈哈哈哈哈

就这样我们的云顶旅行过了....哈尼, 在这里想要告诉你, 我真的很开心能陪你过你的生日...虽然不是什么很浪漫的可是希望哈尼你也一样的觉得开心....然后留下你我的回忆。。。目阿。。。

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Our Beginning (我们的开始)


哈泥,我觉得你应该没有想象到我会在这儿写Blog吧。 或许有点老套,可是为了省时间来写,我觉得打字会比较快。也不算完全写Blog, 只是想把自己有时候的想法写下来,不管是开心或不开心的。若有写错什么,还请亲爱的多多包涵。

亲爱的,我知道我们的开始并不是那种轰轰烈烈的我追你或你追我。我们的开始就因为一个问还有一个答。就是问你是否能陪我还有一句可以。说真的,我真的很感谢老天爷因为它仿佛知道我的心声。 之前我跟老天说过能否让我找到一位好好的女孩。就这样它把你带给了我。那一天,我真的很开心,因为我遇见了你。 我感谢你当时的陪伴。

我的心真的知道你就是我要找的对象。虽然我们从不是很了解到开始了解到慢慢了解,这一些还真的需要你我才可以办得到。就这样我们开始了我们爱情的路程。10/05/2010 这日期我绝对不会忘记因为它是我们的开始。我都会期待和你庆祝每一年的这个日期。

哈泥,你知道吗,我们在一起的时候,我真的感觉到很幸福。这种感觉只有你可以给得到的。我真的觉得自己是全世界最幸福的男人。因为你的出现, 我的生活真的变了,变得跟有责任感,变得跟以往不一样。

我真的有感觉到你正在尽力的去爱我,疼我,照顾我还有等等。连我第一次不开心的时候,你的关心,担心,我正的感受得到。。。在这儿想告诉你,非常抱歉我让你心里不好过。我知道我想的太多。我已经在慢慢的不要想太多了,可是还真的有点难度。。。或许这就是我谈恋爱 的方式 吧。我真的希望你能明白。

虽然我真的很想把你独为既有可是也知道你有你自己的朋友。我知道要你应付我这种态度是有时会让你喘不过气。可是我真的想告诉你, 我真的因为害怕失去你所以才这样的。 我也很想象其他男生一样可以很大方的让自己的女友和别的男生出去或什么的,可是心里还有脑海里真的过不了自己的那一关。我知道我必须信任你,我真的有。或许自己有太多的可是了,所以才会造成那么的忽思乱想, 而且还会让自己没有了安全感。我有时候觉得自己太过分,总是要把你独为既有,但这就是我,陈伟禄。

佳凌,我真的把我的心交给你,我虽然外表看起来好像很坚强似的但我的心灵脆弱。我感谢你因为你对我的爱,我的心感受到。有时候你看我安静的时候,其实我和女孩一样,都想要你跟 我说话。如果你看到我掉眼泪的时候,那是因为我真的很伤心而且我会透不过气。 有时候你看我很粘你的时候,那时因为有你在,我真的感受到安全感。其实我们的心会让我们跟靠近,可是往往就是因为某个原因让它变得遥远的。我们大家都不好受,不是吗?

哈泥,我就写到这儿。今天你问了我要不要娶你, 我想都不想就答应了,因为我真的觉得你是个对的人,不只是因为感觉对。 我期待和你在一起的未来。亲爱的,在这儿告诉你,我爱你。